Sunday, March 29, 2015

Start of Spring!

Well, the calendar says spring has begun, but the weather still isn't so sure.  Another cold week here.  Hoping the upcoming one will be a little better.  Today is not....   But here's what I've been crocheting this week:

My co-workers and I have started on the loom knit blanket we're going to make and then donate to the silent auction that is held to raise funds for United Way each year.  We're using this color combination on two of the panels, and then a light green and the grey for the other panel.  Although three might not be enough.  We'll decide when we have three done.  The green in this panel doesn't show very well in the picture. 

A baby hat I like very much, especially the butterfly button.

Pair of hats I made for twins that my husband's friend is expecting any day.

Prayer shawl, in the corner-to-corner pattern.  I love working with this pattern, it's a first for me.  Goes very quickly and it's pretty mindless, so good for when I'm watching something on TV that I need to pay attention to or miss details.  I'm almost out of the multi-colored yarn (crocheted with two strands, the multi-colored one was too fine on it's own), so I'm going to have to search some out to finish this.  The red yarn woven through the right hand side is to remind myself that I need to decrease on that end while increasing on the other so that it is a rectangle in the end. 

And two little hats that I also made using a loom knitter.  The orange yarn is really cute, but crocheting with it wasn't working well at all.  No matter how loose the stitch I used, it wound up looking very bunched up.  Thought they turned out cute with the loom, and of course the big pom pom!  The one on the left I forgot to turn the edge up for a brim, so I crocheted the white border on.

That's my week, hope you're making something fun! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baby hats, baby hats, baby hats!

My week consisted of some new yarns, patterns and color combinations for baby hats.  Here they are:

Fun colors!

New yarn.  Pom pom is brown, picture doesn't show the true color

Pretty, soft variegated yarn

One pattern, two very different looks.

Pearl detail in center of flower.

My favorite from this week.

Like this pattern in the boys colors better.

Prayer shawl is finished.  These go to local organizations.  I think I'll start a new one, this time corner to corner pattern. 
New project - two co-workers and I are going to make a blanket and donate it to our office United Way campaign's silent auction.  Can't wait to see how it turns out.  We're going to loom knit this one.
That's my week, what did you crochet this week?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week of March 8th


Started out the week with hats, as usual...

Can't stop myself from adding pom poms to these!  The hats in both of the lower rights of these pictures were a pattern I made up.  I'm not saying no one has ever done one exactly the same, but I had fun coming up with something new. 

Then it was time for a much needed road trip.  Someone needs to tell me where to look when taking a selfie...   Just a weekend, but it was nice and we found time for some relaxing, too. 

Saturday we picked up a Pie for PI day or course!  It was apple, and yummy! 

Found an amazing yarn store.  I don't usually spend a lot for yarn, but I splurged.  None of these look as pretty in the picture as they do in person.  Hopefully the pictures of some finished projects will do them justice.

Also found this - a Revere copper bottom double boiler just like my Mom's, but an added steamer dish that hers doesn't have.  Found at an antique store, and paid less than $15!

Worked on my Tunisian crochet shawl a bit this week, too.  It's going to need some type of delicate lacy edge since it's pretty plain.  I'll start looking for ideas as soon as it's as it's the right size and ready for a border.

Have a great week!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week of March 1st

Not too many projects this week.  Just busy, and started a project that was time consuming, but I'll get to that.  First the things that I did finish.

A couple of boys hats.  One in Milwaukee Brewer colors with a baseball button.

And a couple for girls.  I'm really stuck on this new flower....

And this is the new project I started, but I think I'm crying "uncle".  (sorry Judy, if you're reading this....)   First picture is what it should look like, 2nd picture was the first step.  After that I did the tail, no problem, but the head was another story and it didn't turn out at all.  At the very least, I need to put it down for awhile, but I'm thinking I won't come back to this one.  Maybe I'll try an easier version of amigumuri and work up to this one....

Okay, I didn't crochet this, but very happy with my new vacuum cleaner.  This is what happens when you're up at 5am on a Saturday watching infomercials.  But I honestly had been looking. The Dyson has served us well, but it's getting old and it doesn't do a great job on hard floors, which is what we now almost exclusively have.  This is a Shark Rocket ultralight.  So far it's great.

Oh....and I didn't make it this week, but a sweater that I made for some friends new baby.  She's absolutely adorable, but I didn't want to post her picture without their permission, so I'm just showing you the sweater.  I forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it, so I'm very happy they sent me a picture of her wearing it.  Can't wait to meet her!  

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  The temperatures here are finally tolerable.  Even got the dog out for walks both yesterday and today.  She comes back a dirty mess, but a happy one.

Until next week.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

2nd week in crochet....

My first project this week was a request from my son and his girlfriend, they were going to a baby shower and wanted "Jayne's hat" from Firefly.  I've never seen the show, but they found me a picture and this is pretty much it, in newborn size.  The mom and dad to be really loved it from what I heard...

My co-worker Judy and I sometimes crochet on our lunch hour at work.  Something new we're both trying is Tunisian crochet. It's nice to do something different once in awhile.  This will hopefully be a prayer shawl.  I've ripped it apart once, the left edge was turning out uneven, but I'm counting stitches this time and it still looks uneven to me.  I'm going to try to finish it and maybe put a border on it, and/or block it to see if I can make it even.  If you've never seen Tunisian, it's a crochet hook with a long "tube" attached.  You work one row and leave the loops on the tube.  Hard to explain, I'll see if I can get better pictures next week.

Some hats I've done this week.  Have a new rose flower pattern that is super easy and I like the way it looks.  Just crochet one long row of double/single crochet combo and then wrap it around to form the rose.

Tried a couple of newsboy hats this week, something different for boys, which is hard to find.  Not sure I like the way they turned out though.  Have to keep trying to perfect this one...

A few more rows on the prayer shawl in progress

Saturday we went to the RV show.  This is our dream RV.  I'm standing by it to show the height so we can see if our existing deck would work with this RV.  In a dream world where we actually buy this one....

And then I baked.  Yummy cinnamon coffee cake.  King Arthur Flour recipe.  

And the last hat of the week.  Using up some of the yarn I bought for the Jayne hat.